
Education AI

Worked in a small team to come up with an educational AI tool hosted on Azure that leverages on OpenAI's ChatGPT model.

Big Data Pipeline

Worked in a team to develop a big data pipeline where we scrape TikTok videos and analyse labels from the videos to recommend what clothing to recommend.

Project GAZAAB (discontinued)

Assigned to develop the frontend of the website to help facilitate children in Batam to learn about digital leadership modules.


Worked in a team to develop a site that aims to help users find harmony between work and mindfulness for a school project using Vue, Bootstrap, HTML, and JavaScript.


Volunteer Management Site (Prototype)

Ongoing personal practice project on managing volunteering tasks and assignment using FIGMA.

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On Scroll Animations

On scroll animations for Elements with ani.js

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Cards slider

Fun slider for different occasions.

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